Pro-Pagan video game studio announces several pro-pagan videogames

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Pro-Pagan video game studio announces several pro-pagan videogames

The new formed pro-Pagan Studio named "Mjolnir Interactive Studios" has announced several pro-Pagan videogames. With the help of other pro-Pagan studios such as the "Digital Asgard Studio", "Virtual Olympus Corporation", "Cyber Netjeru Game Studio", "Abzu & Nammu Studios", "Anunnaki Interactive", "Devaloka Game Studio", and so on.

And on such videogames it is included:

Heimdall's Gate - Inspired on Baldur's Gate. The lore is similar to Baldur's Gate except it about the Norse Gods and with Norse Demigods as protagonists.

Baldur's City - The real-time strategy version of Heimdall's Gate. Basically their own version of Land or Empires. And with gods from all pantheons.

Divine Realms - Inspired on Forgotten Realms. Basically their Cannon universe of Heimdall's Gate. Where it would have video games about all pantheons and gods, like the Heimdall's Gate, the Horus' Gate (Egyptian Gods/Demigods), Enki's Gate (Sumerian-Mesopotamian Gods/Demigods), Apollo's Gate (Greek gods/demigods), Dannan's Gate (Celtic gods/demigods), Perun's Gate (Slavic gods/demigods), Shiva's Gate (Hindu gods/demigods), Kami's Gate (Japanese gods/demigods), and so many others.

Gods and Godslayers - Inspired on Dugeons and Dragons. Basically the fictional universe the company is working on. It is basically Dugeons and Dragons, but focused in Gods and Godslayers.

Land of Gods - Basically a Land of Empires but with gods and pantheons.

Rise of Pantheons - Basically a Rise of Kindgoms but with gods and pantheons.

Knights of the Aesir - Basically their own version of Knights of Al-Aqsa but where the Aesir gods/demigods are fighting against human settler colonialists on the nine worlds.

Aesirolym Impact - Basically a Genshin Impact but where you play as Gods and Demigods and fight godkillers and enemies of the gods. All main pantheons included.

Careful With Godkillers - A hide-n-seek videogame Inspired on Labrys where you can play as gods and godkillers from all pantheons and where you can play on multiplayer, single-player and story mode.

Divine Cities: Build Your Heaven - A Sumerians-like video game where you can build your own divine city and choose between lots of pantheons.

Divine Cities: Online - Basically the SimCity: BuildIt version of Divine Cities: Build Your Heaven.

Godslayers No More: A Doom-like videogame where you play as several demigods protagonists fighting hordes of Godkillers from all kinds.

Asgard Our Home: Basically a Norse version of Hades the game but where you fight godkillers as famous sons of the Norse Gods.

No God Shall Cry - Basically a Devil May Cry like and Megaten-like video game but where you play as demigods from several pantheons fighting godkiller influence on the human world.

God of Peace - An anti-GoW videogame where you play as demigods who must stop godkillers and must stop fighting among gods. Being violent with godkillers but peaceful with gods.

The Divine Abyss - A real time strategy game where you play as Abyssal gods and Primordial gods from several pantheons like Abzu, Nammu, and the Protogenoi and where you must protect the Abysal light from the enemies of the Abyss.

The Temple Revival - A Tycoon and Idle game where you can manage your own Pagan Temple on modern-day countries and even custom it like choosing its Pagan religion and choosing the country you want to start.

The Divine Evolution of Humanity - A God Simulator videogame where you play as gods from several pantheons who must evolve humanity into a divine species through science and technology.

Stop The Ragnarok - A strategy RPG video game where you play as a group of Norse Demigods who must stop the Ragnarok and protect Asgard at all costs.

The Rise of Olympus - A strategy RPG video game where you play as Greek Demigods who must take over Greece and turn Greece into a completely divine country.

The Sumer Shall Never End - A strategy RPG video game where you play as Anunnaki demigods who must turn Sumer into a Anunnaki country and into an Anunnaki colony.

The Devaloka Land - A strategy RPG game where you must turn ancient India into a Deva country and colonize India as the Deva.

The Rise of the Divine - An anti-Megaten where you play as gods and demigods fighting human supremacists and the human settler colonization of divine worlds and astral worlds.

The Knights of the Divine Abyss - An anti-GoW where you play as gods and demigods fighting human supremacists, godkillers, and enemies of the gods. I was thinking that there would be a game where you play as gods/demigods in the ancient times fighting Christians and fighting Islam, as well as fighting ancient godkillers and infidel humans. And one where you would play as the gods and demigods fighting human supremacists and human settler colonialists in their divine worlds.

Forge of Pantheons - A Rise of Kingdoms like game where you can chose the divine civilization/pantheon you want to play and then you fight human barbarians, godkiller barbarians, and demon barbarians.

The Gods' Creed - A anti-AC game where you play as an organization of divine pagan/polytheist beings on Earth which you fight godkiller organizations and abrahamic organizations.

And so on.

The Mjolnir Interactive Studios HQs are located on Sweden, bur the Mjolnir also has branches on Norway, Denmark, Finland, Lithuania, Germany, the UK, France, the USA, Canada, Brazil, and Greece.

And the Mjolnir Interactive Studio has also declared a war against the "Godkiller Industry", "Godkiller Ideology", and the "Godkiller Culture" and will make the maximum of videogames possible where the gods are the good guys and godkillers are the bad guys.

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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